Live the PlayEnergy experience


PlayEnergy: become a champion of the future

PlayEnergy is an Enel project dedicated to young people that uses a competitive approach to introduce them, through play, to the values of sustainability, innovation, and the responsible use of energy.

The 2022/2023 edition is also aimed at Generation Z, youngsters between the ages of 14 and 20, from seven countries: Italy, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, and Greece.

Designed to be entirely digital, PlayEnergy consists of two phases: the first will be from September 5 to December 7, 2022, and the second from December 8, 2022, to March 5, 2023. The competition will conclude with a final event for the winners.


Focus on electrification

The focus of the new edition will be on the theme of electrification: the goal is to raise young people’s awareness of this essential pillar of the energy transition and, more generally, of how it is fundamental to ensure sustainable progress.

The competition will concentrate on four focus points of increasing complexity:

  • Focus 1: What is electrification?
  • Focus 2: Electrification in daily life
  • Focus 3: Electrification in your community
  • Focus 4: The future you want: responsibility and independence

During the various stages of the game, as they gradually gain more awareness of electrification-related issues, participants will move along a four-level scale, from simple curiosity to understanding through to active involvement in communicating the benefits associated with this process:

  • Electrification Curious
  • Electrification Expert
  • Electrification Enabler
  • Electrification Champion


Gamification and science fiction

Gamification takes a more prominent role in this new edition of the game, with playful tools and methods, also in terms of the visual graphics, to encourage the active involvement of the young participants and to get the key messages across.

Again with an eye to this generation, the chosen setting is contemporary science fiction. Participants will have to choose their avatar and set out on a series of quests, carrying out projects on themes related to the energy transition to progress through the game’s phases, earning points as they go to help them climb up the final ranking.


How the previous editions went

The first two editions of PlayEnergy registered a total of over 15,000 participants and 5,000 activities. The first edition involved just three countries (Brazil, Greece and Italy), rising to seven the following year (Italy, Greece, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina).

The topics addressed in 2021 were sustainability and in particular the circular economy, with the aim of laying the foundations for more circular and sustainable cities in the future. The teams that made the final took on an innovation challenge in which they had to conceive a creative project on the set theme and present it to a panel of Enel employees from various countries.

The last edition reached millions of young people who actively interacted on social media with likes, comments, and shares. This was in part made possible by all the schools that participated, with many classes, together with their teachers, tackling the themes of the circular economy and, more generally, sustainability.